By:Janice Ronan

Today’s consumer is well versed on the impact of making more sustainable choices. Now, more than ever, people commit to making better, more ethical choices when shopping. With endless options and every product imaginable just one click away, it can be overwhelming. With hundreds of sustainability issues, there simply isn't enough time in the day to run reconnaissance on each purchase. Enter, Good On You (GOY) - the app (and site) that does the in-depth research so that you don’t have to. Whether you are shopping in-store or online, a company’s sustainable rating is at your service. The App lists over 6000 brands and has more than a million active users worldwide.

“We’re creating a world where it’s easy for anyone, anywhere to buy better.”

~ Sandra, Gordon and the Good On You Team

Good On You is the world’s leading and most trusted source for fashion and brand ratings and contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12: Ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns – leading the way towards a more ethical and fair industry. Gordon Renouf and Sandra Capponi created the concept in 2013, it was then brought to life in Australia circa 2015 by a group of tech savvy campaigners, business experts, fashion/beauty professionals, scientists, writers and developers who united with the shared vision of harnessing the power of consumer choices to create a more sustainable future. Focusing on doing good by the planet, people and animals. Today, GOY is run by a small but mighty team with members located across the globe, with a clear mission: to turn shopping choices into a force for sustainability.

Image Source: Good on You website

“We have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy.”

~ Emma Watson, Good On You Supporter

GOY’S brand rating cuts through the greenwashing, empowering consumers to see the real impact on everything from emissions and water use to worker safety, fair pay, and animal welfare. Using only transparent data sources, ratings and independent analysis, GOY compiles and verifies brands’ own public reporting - including the CDP Climate Change and Water Security disclosures, certifications/accreditations such as, Cradle to Cradle, OEKO-TEX, Global Organic Textile Standard, World Fair Trade Organization Guarantee System, COSMOS ORGANIC and Union for Ethical Biotrade – using only information available to the public. Information is then presented in clear and concise ratings. Transparency encourages accountability, shaping regulations and adhering brands to their commitments.

Image Source: Good on You website

An overall score (an average of their score in key areas – people, the planet, and animals) is awarded to the brands. More demanding criteria is expected of large companies as they naturally have greater impacts and influence. Smaller brands cannot receive a “We Avoid” rating.

Rating Scale 

Great (5/5): Brands demonstrate leadership in all areas, have strong policies and assurance from relative certifications systems and address the most significant issues across their value chain.

Good (4/5): Brands adopt policies and practices to manage multiple issues across their supply chain and often demonstrate leadership in one or more areas.

It’s A Start (3/5): Brands are transparent about their policies to manage some issues and are making satisfactory progress on one or more of them.

Not Good Enough (2/5): Brands disclose some information in one or more areas and consider some issues but do not yet sufficiently address the impacts across their supply chain.

We Avoid (1/5): Brands disclose little to no relevant or concrete information about their sustainability practices. In some cases, ambiguous claims that are unlikely to have any positive impact.

“By choosing ethically you become the solution. Wear the change you want to see.”

~ Sandra, Gordon and the Good On You Team

If you’re feeling lost in a world of greenwashing, or the thought of navigating your way through complicated data leaves you overwhelmed, Good On You is your trusted information sidekick. Shop with confidence, knowing you’re making choices that align with your values, with an informative guide that’s truly got your back.


